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In reply to by Andrejs (not verified)

If you have Collabora installed following the Nextcloud instructions, you have it behind a reverse proxy (served by your web server, e.g. apache or nginx). So then your web server uses port 443 and forwards the connection to Collabora.

I noticed that the default turnserver.conf has some reference to running it behind a reverse proxy (I think since v. 4.5 or so), and in the CoTurn github discussions some people have posted that they successfully ran it behind a reverse proxy (using nginx), so you may want to browse there for more infos (e.g. here).

The signaling server can be installed on the same instance as the nextcloud server, and both can be behind a reverse proxy.

Having that said, I think one should also consider what is the server load, i.e. how much traffic you expect. For small instances with few users the hardware might be sufficient to run several services on one machine, but with an increasing number of users you may run into hardware limits.

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